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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Philippians 2 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Philippians 2:3-4
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

You wonder if the church in Philippi with looking out for themselves, let alone others.  It is kind of hard to value others when your stuck on your self.  When everything is about you, there isn’t a lot of room for others to be considered.

In the culture that I live in this passage is not very relevant or cool, it would be counter cultural.  What is valued is one looking out for themselves and taking care of their before anyone else.  Yet the church , communities, the world would a much a better place if we would simply value others.  Selfishness is a strong current that needs to be faced with humility.  People matter to God and so should I.

Father I thank you that you saw the world worth dying for.  You saw people worth living for as well.  People matter to you Jesus and so I ask that you may break my heart for people.  That I would be able to join in the restoration that you are doing in my surrounding.  In Jesus name.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Philippians 1 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Philippians 1:6
…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Paul’s confidence was not in the Philippians but in Christ.  Paul thanked God because God is faithful.  God was the one who began the transforming work in the lives of those in Philippi and it will God who will complete the work in their lives till they look like Jesus.

Jesus is so much more concerned about our spiritual maturity than we are.  There is no way for us change ourselves into being more like Jesus.  We wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Every time we would think of an area that needed work we would justify and cut the process short .  Only Jesus knows us more than we know ourselves.  Only he knows what we need every waking moment.  Whatever work he deems important at the time in me I know that it would impact those around me best.

Jesus there is nothing I could say, do, or think that you don’t already know, or thought  of.  You the end from its beginning.  You began a work deep in me that I can’t even explain.  So Jesus I just ask that you invade every part of me because I need you more than I think.   Thank you for loving me so much not to leave me the way you found me.

Galatians 6 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 6:7-8
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

You reap what you so.  You can’t expect to be sensitive to the heart of Jesus if you don’t spend time with Him.  Everyone wants to have a close relationship with God.  Who doesn’t want to be covered in God’s blessings?  Many people want the resurrection with out the death.  Yet that is impossible.

Nothing will resurrect unless it dies first.  There is no quick fix to the issues of the heart.  There is only a slow, deep work that only Jesus could do.  Jesus is what is needed to bring about the change deep inside yet we are surprised to know that many are shallow in their walks with Jesus.  If I want to have a harvest of righteousness or deep consciousness of Jesus presence I must spend time with Him.

Father I pray that you would help me sow what matters most to you.  Help me to invest in the things that you are so passionate about.  I want to a harvest for your kingdom and glory.  In Jesus name.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Galatians 5 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Through the work of Christ on the Cross the Galatians were set free.  Free from the belief that they had to earn their right standing with God.  Free from giving into the temptation of trying to please others and God.  Free from the law that kept them in bondage to trying to maintain a right relationship with God or wondering if they were good enough.

In Christ we are free.  Free from the bondage of sinful destructive patterns in our lives.  Through the death, burial and resurrection of Christ we are free to enjoy God and be enjoyed by God.  We are free to do what we like yet not all the we like is best for us.  There is a lot of freedom in Christ yet not everything will produce the kind of fruit that is best Jesus desires.  Just because we could do and be anything we desire, doesn’t mean we should do them.  Jesus’ death wasn’t a free ticket for me to run wild and guiltless.  He desires for me to stay close to the things that matter most to Him and to do life with Him.

Father I praise you and I thank you that I am free to be and do all that you have created me to do.  There are so many options that seem good but I want to do what is best with you.  Help me to stand firm and focused on you.  In your name I pray.

Monday, March 26, 2012

S.O.A.P. Galatians 3 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 3:
Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever be right with God by trying to keep the law. For scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.”

It doesn’t matter how good we try to be, there is no way we can be made right before God because of our goodness. Yet this is actually what our culture believes. If I’m a good person then I must be in good standing with God.

I’m made right with God because I have put my full trust (that is what faith is – trust) in Jesus, yet at different times in my life I have seen that I’m still trying to earn my love from God. I’m still trying to please Him. But that goes against everything that Jesus died for. I’m already made right with God because of what Jesus did. I just need to surrender my life to that truth. This is a daily surrender. I surrender and trust – saying with my life that I trust that God is God and I don’t need to take control of circumstances and people around me.

Lord, teach me to trust You fully. Teach me to surrender my will and my ways and rest in You. Lord I long to rest in You in greater ways. Allow me to delight in Your presence and let life flow from there. In Jesus name, amen!

S.O.A.P. Galatians 4 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 4:6
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Part of Paul’s desire for the Galatians was for them to understand who they were in Christ.  Our identity, our self worth and value, where we came from, who we are, is something that is vital in the lives of humans.  The Galatians were forgetting who they were now, their new positions as sons and daughters of God.  And God wanted them to know that that was what they were.  So much so that he placed His Spirit in them that they could cry out like Christ Abba father.

The Spirit of Jesus lives in all of us that are Christ followers.  Before anything else this is what we are, His children.  The Spirit that lives in us reminds me of the times that he has said things that I needed to here.  He chose to place His Spirit within me in a place from which priorities are made, decisions, and behaviors take place.  It is His Spirit in me that draws me back to what matters most.  It is His Spirit within me that can captures my thoughts from running afar and bring them under his control.  It is His Spirit within me that is doing the work of forming my soul and character be more like His.  So today I surrender to that work of His spirit and invite him to roam free inside.

Father I thank you so much for your Spirit that lives in me .  I know Jesus that you know me more than I know myself.  You are familiar with all of my ways.  Today Lord ask that you may search me and see if you may find anything in me that maybe offensive to you.  Clean house in me, that I may be aware of what you might want to say to me or what I need to surrender unto you.  In Jesus name.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

S.O.A.P. Galatians 2 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 2:I
have been crucified with Christ. I myself no longer with, but Christ lives in me.

When someone surrenders their life to Christ they are dying to self. “Accepting Christ” is such a wrong term. We don’t “accept” Christ for salvation. No, we surrender our lives so that the Holy Spirit can now rule our lives.

This is very clear in my mind yet as I take an honest look at my life I see that many times I try to take my life back. I know that I have surrendered but I say something else by the way that I try to control and even manipulate situations.

Lord, I surrender once again. I invite You Holy Spirit to guide and direct me. Rule my life! I want you to live within me instead of me trying to control You. In Jesus name, amen!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

S.O.A.P. Galatians 1 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 1:10
Obviously, I’m not trying to be a people pleaser! No, I’m trying to please God. If I were still trying to please people, I would not be Christ’s servant.

We can’t serve two gods – people & God. But we actually do it all the time. We are more concerned with impressing our boss, parents, spouse, friends, and even people that we don’t know, then God. But it can’t be done. Paul is clearly stating that if we are still trying to please people we can’t truly be servants of Christ.

This is very difficult! I love people…that’s why I’m a pastor. I want people to grow and be content in their lives. But many times the things that people want from me may seem good and innocent but are actually immature and not even good for them in the big picture. So I sometimes struggle with pleasing people or God. I must admit that sometimes I give in because I don’t want to hurt people.

Lord, I need Your wisdom. There are many times that the most loving thing I can do to someone is tell them no – even if they don’t like it. This is hard for me at times but I want to honor You above all things. In Jesus name, amen!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 13 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 13:13
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [the Son], the love of God [the Father], and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. 

The Trinity is one of the oldest Christian doctrines and teachings. The actual word Trinity is not found in scripture but its teachings begin in Genesis. Here Paul is highlighting all the persons in the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

In this verse I see that I find grace in Jesus. I find love in God the Father and I find fellowship in the Holy Spirit. I have noticed that I have a heavy emphasis in Jesus and God, but my appreciation and focus on the Holy Spirit has only been awakened within the last few years. It’s impossible for me to have a Biblical view of our triune God with understanding each one of the persons in the Trinity.

Lord, help me to know You fully. To delight in all of You and not in just part of You. Holy Spirit I invite You to fellowship with me in greater ways and for You to take over my life in greater ways so that I may do life with You. In Jesus name, amen! 

Monday, March 19, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 12 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 12:10
…for when I am weak, then I am strong.

This short verse says a lot! It seems so odd that in one’s weakness is actually where we find that we are strong. The opposite is true. When we “think” we are strong is actually when we are probably the weakest, because it’s a self-strength that won’t stand up to the demands of the spiritual world that we live in.

There is always a gap between where I am and where God desires for me to be. There is always is gap that indicates that I have not arrived (and I never will on this side of the heaven). This gap can either make me feel worthless and sinful or it can be seen for what it is…God’s grace allows me to live in that gap knowing that it’s how good and strong and mighty He is and not me.

Lord, thank You that You are always so willing to show Your grace when I least deserve it. You are always pursuing me even when I’m not paying attention to You. Thank You that Your strength is many perfect in my weakness. In Jesus name, amen!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

G.L.U.E. Sermon 3-18-2012 How to wreak your life...

Today's sermon was on getting caught up in chasing happiness...instead of following GOD. Enjoy

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

S.O.A.P II Corinthians 11 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 11:3
But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.

The church in Corinth seemed to have been led astray from the purity of their relationship with Jesus.  It was Jesus to whom they surrendered and fell in love with but somehow they were being deceived and led astray.  It was Jesus who called them to walk with Him.  Yet somehow through what others have been saying, they were being led astray in their devotion and affection to Jesus.

It is so easy to be led astray from our first love – Jesus.  Success, failure, items, lack of items, how things make us feel or not all can easily mislead our attention from Christ.  What matters most is the constant, rhythmic way of life with Christ that keeps us focused on Him and Him alone.  Much like a compass that requires to be turned to the north to know its direction.  Jesus is our true north.  Jesus was and is the good news and the devil would love to pervert the sufficiency of that.

Father  you are so good to me.  You desire my attention and affection more than anything else.  In my being with you my mind and heart is satisfied.  I ask that you may help me to surrender more of myself that you may permeate my every thought and not be mislead by what this world has to offer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 10 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

In this world there is manipulation, corruption, abuse, and perversion on many kinds.  What is said by a noble man can be distorted by another to mean something else.  Paul was up against some people saying things that could have affected his integrity.  They talked about his speaking abilities and writings and it could have impacted his internal life, attitude, and way of being but it didn’t.  He respond the way most would but chose to allow his life speak for its self.

It is so easy to revert back to the ways we would handle stress, arguments, rumors, or anything that attacked our integrity character.  It was the way we were brought up, the things we saw and grew accustomed to that felt most right that I tend to revert back to when an area of my life hasn’t been surrendered to Christ.  Yet those strongholds that lead to destruction or self and others need to be brought to life and surrendered to Christ.  Taking captive any thought that goes against the values of Christ is what I need to continue to bring to Christ if I am going to live this world.
Father I come in need of an invasion of your Spirit in my life.  There are areas that I still need to surrender to you.  You have dismantled the powers of the enemy in my life.  I am free to live with you and become the kind of person you have created me to be.  May you help realize that reality.  May I surrender all that I am so that you could become all that you desire in me.  In Christ Name.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

G.L.U.E. Stay focused...no drifting...Keep JESUS at your core

This day and your life will flow according to how you direct it...Here is a hint...Flow with he who is Living Water...JESUS

One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream.
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul.
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room.
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,
One word must start each prayer.
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true.
One life can make the difference,
You see, IT'S UP TO YOU! 

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 9 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 9:7
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

In giving to the Church Paul didn’t state a certain amount that they should give but with an attitude that gives.  A generous attitude and way of life is not about how much.  Giving from a resentful, begrudging place only breeds a bad attitude.  On the other hand, when you give cheerfully, Paul says, God takes delight.

Whether it be money, time, kind words, even body language God takes delight when done from a joyful place.  Not everyone needs to be given money.  But companionship, words of affirmation, listened well to, time - are some other things that we don’t usually think about that needs to be given generously.  Generosity could take on many different faces.  However, Paul reminds me that what I give whether be money or not, may it be from a willing, thoughtful, and cheerful place.

Father may every person I come across today experience that generosity that has been shown to me in Christ.  Where ever I start in my journey of generosity, may you change every aspect of me to live generously.  In Christ name.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

G.L.U.E. Teaching the young...Knesset Kids :David The Shepherd Boy

 THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE, God often used children to fullfil his Divine plan. From David, a lowly shepherd boy, to an un-named Jewish maid, children play a big part in God's purpose.
   We hope that these stories will help inspire today's youth in showing them that God has a plan for their life.

David The Shepherd Boy

Up amongst the hills, perched like the nest of a bird on one of the long low ridges, lies the little town of Bethlehem. It was but a small town at the time this story begins, and there was nothing about it to make it at all famous. It lay out of the beaten track, and any one wanting to visit it must needs climb the long winding road that led from the plain beneath, through olive groves and sheepfields, up to the city gate--a steep, difficult road, leading nowhere but to the little town itself.
      It was in these fields on the slope of the hills that David, the shepherd boy of Bethlehem, spent his days watching his father's flocks. That father, whose name was Jesse, was one of the chief men of the town, and David was the youngest of all his sons.
      There were seven big brothers at home, and it was no wonder Jesse was proud of his sons. They were tall, splendid young men, all of them doing men's work now, and taking very little notice of the youngest, who was still only a small boy, chiefly useful in looking after the sheep.
      But though David was but little thought of, no one could say that he did not do his work well. There was not a more careful or watchful shepherd on all the hills around Bethlehem. He knew each one of his sheep, and never allowed one to stray. He always led them to the best pasture, and found the coolest and freshest water for them to drink. Then, too, he was as brave as a lion, and if any wild beast came lurking round hoping to snatch a lamb away, David was up at once and would attack the fiercest beast single-handed. Nothing could ever do any harm to his flock.
      Now it happened that one day while David was, as usual, out in the fields that a sudden stir of excitement awoke in the little town of Bethlehem. Men gathered round the city gate, and with anxious, fearful eyes looked down the long white road that led up from the plain below. And yet there seemed nothing there to make them look so terrified and anxious. Only an old feeble man was slowly climbing up towards the town. He was driving a heifer before him, and carrying what looked like a horn in his hand.
      But the people whispered together that the old man was none other than Samuel, the prophet of the Lord, who carried God's messages. He must be bringing a message to them, and who knew if it was good or evil. They tried with uneasy minds to remember if they had been doing anything wrong of late as they watched the old man drawing nearer and nearer. Then at last the chief men of the town went out to meet him.
      "Comest thou peaceably?" they asked anxiously.
      The old man lifted his head and looked at them kindly as he echoed their words.
      "Peaceably," he answered at once; "I am come to sacrifice unto the Lord."
      A great sigh of relief went up from the people. The visit was a mark of God's favour and not of His displeasure.
      It was true, indeed, that Samuel had come to offer sacrifice, but he had come also on a secret errand about which no man knew but himself. God had bidden him take his horn of oil and anoint one of the sons of Jesse to be king over His people instead of Saul, the present king, who had displeased Him. But it was to be done secretly. Saul must not hear of it, or his vengeance would be swift.
      It was in Jesse's house that the feast of the sacrifice was prepared, and Samuel ordered that all the sons of the house should pass before him as they went to attend the sacrifice.
      The first to come was Eliab, Jesse's eldest son, and when Samuel saw him he felt sure that this was the man who was to be anointed king. He was a splendid young man, tall and strong and handsome, looking almost as kingly as Saul himself.
      "Surely this is he," murmured Samuel to himself. But God's answer came quickly. No, this was not the man. Samuel saw only the outward signs of strength and beauty, but God saw deeper into the heart.
      So the eldest son passed on, and one by one the six brothers followed, all sons that a father might well be proud of. But God sent no sign to show that any of them was the chosen king.
      Samuel was puzzled. What could it mean? Then he turned again to Jesse.
      "Are here all thy children?" he asked.
      Surprised at the question, Jesse suddenly remembered the little lad, his youngest son, who was out in the fields tending the sheep. Was it possible that Samuel had any use for him?
      "Send and fetch him," ordered Samuel instantly, "for we will not sit down till he comes hither."
      So a messenger was sent in haste to bring David; and presently he came hurrying in, and as soon as Samuel saw him he knew his search was ended.
      He was only a little shepherd lad with the breath of the hills about him, his golden hair tossed by the wind, his fair face flushed, and his sunburned hand holding his shepherd's crook. But there was no doubt that God had chosen him.
      "Arise and anoint him, for this is he," said God's voice in Samuel's heart.
      Slowly, then, the old man rose and held the oil aloft and poured it upon the boy's bowed head, while the rest of the company looked silently on.
      They were puzzled to know what it all meant. Perhaps the elder brothers were envious, and wondered why this mere child should be singled out for special favour. But no one dared to question God's messenger.
      Nothing further happened just then. Samuel returned as he had come by the winding white road, and before long his visit was forgotten as the people settled to their work again.
      Only David, out in the fields, thought more and more about what had happened, and grew more and more certain that it had been a call from God to do some special work for Him. The wonder of it filled his mind, but it never interfered with his work.
      There was little time for idle dreaming in the boy's life. He was as watchful as ever in his care for his sheep and as courageous as ever in guarding them from prowling beasts. Even in his leisure time he was busy too, and there was not one of the sunny hours of daylight that he wasted.
      He loved music, and he taught himself to play on the harp, practising so carefully and patiently that his fingers grew most wonderfully skilful. Then he made songs to go to the music, some of the most beautiful songs that ever have been made in all the world. Almost every child to-day knows his beautiful song about the Good Shepherd: "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
      There was another thing, too, that he learned to do with the same care and patient perseverance, and that was to use his shepherd's sling. There was no boy in all Bethlehem who could shoot as straight as he could. He never missed his mark.
      It was no great thing, perhaps, to make music and aim straight, but it was a great thing to do what lay nearest his hand with all his might. Perhaps some day God would make use of his singing or have some work for a boy who had a quick eye and a sure aim. Who could tell?
      So David learned to do his very best, and before very long God's call came to him.
      Saul, the King of Israel, sat day after day in his darkened tent ill and full of misery. No one dared to go near him, and his servants whispered together, "It is an evil spirit from the Lord that troubles him."
      Then some one suggested that perhaps music might help to cheer him and drive the evil spirit from him.
      "Let our lord now command thy servants to seek out a man who is a cunning player on a harp," they said to the king, "and it shall come to pass that, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well."
      Saul listened to their words, and hope crept into his heart.
      "Provide me now a man that can play well, and bring him unto me," he said eagerly.
      Now the fame of David's playing and singing had spread even beyond Bethlehem. "We must send for David, the son of Jesse," said the king's servants at once. He was the very person they wanted. Not only could he sing and play, but he was a good boy, brave and fearless, and best of all, as the servants said, "The Lord is with him."
      So the shepherd boy was brought to the king's darkened tent, ready to do his bidding. Sitting there in the dim light, he drew such magic music from his harp's strings, and sang such sweet songs, that the very song of the birds seemed to be filling the tent. The king, as he listened, seemed to feel the breath of the mountain fields, to hear the call of the sheepfold and the murmur of the dancing streams. It acted like a charm. The black misery was lifted from his heart, and the evil spirit was put to flight by the song of the shepherd boy.
      It was no wonder, then, that the king, for a time at least, loved the boy with his bright face and sunny hair, and wanted to keep him as his armour-bearer. But perhaps, as Saul grew well and had no further need of the music, David was no longer wanted, and so he went back again to the Bethlehem fields to look after his sheep.
      God had made use of David's skill in music, and before very long another call came to him. This time the need was for one who could aim straight, who had a quick eye and a steady hand.

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 8 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 8:7
But since you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.

The Church in Corinth did well in many areas of there spiritual lives.  They worked hard in understanding things, caring and loving for one another, in trusting in God, in how they used their words.  But Paul encourages them to do the same and place the same effort in their giving.  He describes it as a grace, as a privilege.  In other words, giving is as important to understanding scripture, faith, speech, etc.  How we give has a lot to say about our relationship with God as much as how much the other things he mentioned.

Giving is a heart issue.  It is something that is not quantitative but qualitative.  What we give is not measured by how much but rather from where it is given.  Generosity is a way of life as suppose to giving is something you do.  And if there is something I want to grow in is a life of generosity.  It is just too easy to give something whether be time with someone or money, or even information.  But I want generosity to overflow out of my relationship with Jesus.  Generosity is a mark that Christ followers bare.

Jesus you modeled what generosity looks like throughout your life, in your death, resurrection, and giving of your Holy Spirit.  Everything about you was generous.  You gave mercy beyond belief, grace, and truth to all.  And I am so thankful.  Help me to live a generosity.  May be marked as one who is known to be generous.
In your name I pray.

Monday, March 12, 2012

This is for anyone who is hurting from the loss of a loved one...

To my dearest family, some things I’d like to say…but first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.I’m writing this from heaven. Here I dwell with God above.Here, there’s no more tears of sadness; here is just eternal love.Please do not be unhappy j...ust because I’m out of sight.Remember that I’m with you every morning, noon and night.That day I had to leave you when my life on earth was through,God picked me up and hugged me and He said, “I welcome you.”It’s good to have you back again; you were missed while you were gone.As for your dearest family, they’ll be here later on.I need you here badly; you’re part of my plan.There’s so much that we have to do, to help our mortal man.”God gave me a list of things, that he wished for me to do.And foremost on the list, was to watch and care for you.And when you lie in bed at night, the day’s chores put to flight.God and I are closest to you….in the middle of the night.When you think of my life on earth, and all those loving yearsbecause you are only human, they are bound to bring you tears.But do not be afraid to cry; it does relieve the pain.Remember there would be no flowers, unless there was some rain.I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.But if I were to tell you, you wouldn’t understand.But one thing is for certain, though my life on earth is o’er.I’m closer to you now, than I ever was before.There are many rocky roads ahead of you and many hills to climb;but together we can do it by taking one day at a time.It was always my philosophy and I’d like it for you too…that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.If you can help somebody who’s in sorrow and pain,then you can say to God at night……”My day was not in vain.”And now I am contented….that my life has been worthwhile,knowing as I passed along the way, I made somebody smile.So if you meet somebody who is sad and feeling low,just lend a hand to pick him up, as on your way you go.When you’re walking down the street, and you’ve got me on your mind;I’m walking in your footsteps only half a step behind.And when it’s time for you to go…. from that body to be free,remember you’re not going…..you’re coming here to me.

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 7 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 7:11
See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter.

Paul’s joy was that what he wrote to the Church would lead them to changing their affection to God and responding to God.  Although what he said was difficult, it proved to be true and godly.  Their response was godly as well.   It lead them to come clean before God, Paul, and each other.  It gave them a since of freedom to do what is right and true.
However, it came at the cost of them admitting the reality of their life.

It is not easy to share with someone words that are true but yet addresses the root cause of a destructive behavior or way of life.  Most people would shy away from saying such a thing much less admit that they were wrong.  However, when it is done from a place of love and conviction the chances of the recipient’s response to be repentance becomes higher.   If what is being said true about me or anyone, though it might be hard to swallow, then the right thing to do is to allow God to use it for what ever area that wants to work on in my life.  I don’t need to get defensive or mouthy.  Embracing the truth will lead to freedom.

Father I do pray that you would help me walk in the truth of your word and all that your word would want to do in me.  I see that true will set me free.  Give me the courage to step into what ever you might to say to me so that I could be set free from area of denial.  In Jesus Name.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Journey Sermon Series: 5 EASY STEPS TO WRECK YOUR LIFE

Nobody plans for it to happen, but life can get pretty messy. Trouble with our relationships... harmful habits... feeling far from God... we look back and wonder, "How did I end up here?" Starting down that path is easier than you might think, unless you know what to look for.  

How To Commit Adultery         

Carlos Herrera 



Carlos Herreras

G.L.U.E Adjust your foundations...

When facts and circumstances lead you to the edge of a cliff and a dead end...Faith builds a bridge. Trust your Faith in GOD over the facts of your circumstances.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Forward

Time Change
Hello everyone! Just wanted to remind you that the time will go FORWARD an hour this Sunday morning. Adjust your clock so that you are on time to worship!
Journey Church

Friday, March 9, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 6 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 6:3
We try to live in such a way that no one will be hindered from finding the Lord by the way we act, and so no one can find fault with our ministry.

This is speaking specifically about people outside the church that don’t know Christ. It’s saying that ministry should be done in such a way that we don’t turn people off and hinder what God is already doing in their lives.

It’s easy for me to surround myself with too much Christian stuff--Christian people, Christian work, Christian music (well, not really), Christian books, Christian everything… This is actually horrible! When I’m surrounded by too much Christian stuff, I lose passion and sensitivity for those that are outside the family of God and desperately long for a fresh and real way to do life. I need friends that are far from God…I need to always do ministry in a way that will be inviting to those that don’t know God.

Lord, give me a passion for people that don’t know you. Allow my heart to break for the things that break Your heart, and give me wisdom to do life and ministry way in such a way that it produces thirst in others instead of being a hindrance. In Jesus name, amen!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 5 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 5:18b
And God has given us the task of reconciling people to him.

In very plain words I see here that I have been given the task of helping people reconcile their lives with God. There is no plan B…broken humans that have surrendered their lives to Christ are commissioned to help others find their maker.

This seems like a task way too big for a simple Christ follower like myself. I find this task daunting and overwhelming. Yet as I look back in my life, I see that somehow God has used me to help people reconcile their lives with Himself. (I don’t mean through ministry as a pastor.) What I see is that when I’m doing life in-tune with God and caring for my soul…helping others see who Jesus is flows automatically.

Lord, help me to be so in-tune with you so that I can be used in greater ways to help others reconcile with you. I specifically pray for my new neighbors. Please allow me to be a beacon of light in my neighborhood. Let me love and serve my neighbors in such a way that they will see you in me. In Jesus name, amen!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 4 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 4:4
Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them.

There is a lot packed in this verse. The first thing is that the Bible is clearly stating that Satan is the “god” of this world. That has huge implications! Second is that he has the power to blind us to the “light of the Good News.” This has even bigger implications. The Good News is not that we are saved. The Good News is that we get to live within God’s kingdom right here – right now, and that if we do…we will also get to delight in the kingdom that is to come.

This speaks volumes of the importance of my (our) prayers for people that are far from God and are currently blind to His kingdom. What hurts me the most is that there are many within the Church that are blind to the reality of living in God’s kingdom. Their veil of “salvation” has made them blind to living in God’s kingdom.

Oh Lord, unveil our eyes. Allow us to see the truth. Only truth will set us free! And Jesus is the truth. In Jesus name, amen!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Drifting...Stay the Path

JESUS doesn't want to look at you from across a crowded room...No Beloved HE wants to WALK IN WITH YOU... HE wants an intimate relationship...not a casual one.

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 3 Carlos Herrera

 To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 3:18
And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.

If we have surrendered our lives, then the veil has been taken off and the story of God in humanity makes sense. Once this happens, the Holy Spirit takes residence within us and slowly begins to transform us into people that reflect the character of Christ. That is what it means to be a Christ follower.

It still amazes me that I was created to reflect the glory of God. That is beyond my grasp. None the less, I have to adjust my life so that I’m allowing the Holy Spirit to do this work within me. I can’t expect the Spirit of God to make me more like Christ if I don’t do the basic things (prayer, scripture reading, worship, small group, etc.) to create room in my soul for the Holy Spirit to do His work within me.

Oh Lord, I desperately need you to give me a passion and hunger for you. Help me to fall in love with you in greater ways. I’m all Yours! In Jesus name, amen!

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 2 Carlos Herrera

To READ this chapter click here.

II Corinthians 2:3
That is why I wrote as I did in my last letter, so that when I do come, I will not be made sad by the very ones who ought to give me the greatest joy. Surely you know that my happiness depends on your happiness.

When I first read this verse may years ago, I was taken back that Paul’s happiness depended on something other than God. How could Paul’s happiness depend on things that are outside his control?

After many years of being a pastor, I completely understand what Paul says here. I have learned that my “joy” is completely dependent on God. It doesn’t matter the circumstances – I can have joy. But happiness is a whole different story. As a pastor I hurt so much for people (especially when I see them go out of their way to not make God a priority) and yet the growth of others is one of my greatest reasons for happiness in life.

Lord, I know that You have given me a pastor’s heart. I ask that you put people under my care that would grow, flourish, and live out Your calling in their lives. In Jesus name, amen!

Monday, March 5, 2012

G.L.U.E. No Drifting...Stay the course

 Fill the rooms of you life up with GODLY things...and there won't be any room left for worldly or satans clutter and confusion. Put a sign up on your lIfe for satan to read when he is trying to move in: NO VACANCY!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 1 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

With the many difficulties Paul found himself in he goes back to what held him together, Jesus.  It wasn’t his schooling, his good looks, his network of people, or status in the Churches that stood him firm through his hardships.  God brought him into the world, God awakened him to His reality, God set him apart for His purposes, God placed His Spirit in him as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come.

My life began by God, is sustained by God, and held together by Him as well.  Sometimes I just forget that everything is all about Christ and not me.  Jesus set me apart for his purposes and placed His Spirit in me.  I am tempted he to think that His purpose is to use me yet that would make things about myself.  God created me to enjoy Him and for Him to enjoy me till the end of my life and beyond.

Father I praise you for you faithful and true to who you are.  You are God alone and no one is like you.  Forgive me for thinking that I have what it takes to run my life better than you can.  Grant me the awareness of your strength, your Spirit in me, and the truth of who I really am in You.  In Christ name.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

S.O.A.P. I Corinthians 16 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

1 Corinthians 16:2
On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with your income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.

Paul encouraged the Church in Corinth to be intentional about giving.  If they were to set aside a small amount according their income it would be enough to collect and bless others who would be in greater need.  Paul wanted to make sure that others would be blessed by the generosity of the Church in Corinth however, it was going to take a sense of intentionality.

What if I would set a small amount of money every pay check to give away to others in need.  What if that small amount accumulated to a greater amount over time or added onto some other amounts with friends to serve someone else.  Generosity begins in being intentional.  Unless I am intentional about giving more than likely it won’t happen.  There are many who are in need but sometimes I am caught not having anything saved up to give.  Generosity will only begin to be a way of life if I intentionally do it.

Jesus you know who needs.  Help me to be wise with the resources you have given me so that I could give more.  Train my thinking in such a way that saving to give is automatic.  I desire to be generous, so I ask that you might teach me how.  You gave your life for the sake of the others, show me how to do the same. In your name I pray.