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Monday, March 26, 2012

S.O.A.P. Galatians 4 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Galatians 4:6
Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.”

Part of Paul’s desire for the Galatians was for them to understand who they were in Christ.  Our identity, our self worth and value, where we came from, who we are, is something that is vital in the lives of humans.  The Galatians were forgetting who they were now, their new positions as sons and daughters of God.  And God wanted them to know that that was what they were.  So much so that he placed His Spirit in them that they could cry out like Christ Abba father.

The Spirit of Jesus lives in all of us that are Christ followers.  Before anything else this is what we are, His children.  The Spirit that lives in us reminds me of the times that he has said things that I needed to here.  He chose to place His Spirit within me in a place from which priorities are made, decisions, and behaviors take place.  It is His Spirit in me that draws me back to what matters most.  It is His Spirit within me that can captures my thoughts from running afar and bring them under his control.  It is His Spirit within me that is doing the work of forming my soul and character be more like His.  So today I surrender to that work of His spirit and invite him to roam free inside.

Father I thank you so much for your Spirit that lives in me .  I know Jesus that you know me more than I know myself.  You are familiar with all of my ways.  Today Lord ask that you may search me and see if you may find anything in me that maybe offensive to you.  Clean house in me, that I may be aware of what you might want to say to me or what I need to surrender unto you.  In Jesus name.

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