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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Philippians 1 Oscar Dupuy

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Philippians 1:6
…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Paul’s confidence was not in the Philippians but in Christ.  Paul thanked God because God is faithful.  God was the one who began the transforming work in the lives of those in Philippi and it will God who will complete the work in their lives till they look like Jesus.

Jesus is so much more concerned about our spiritual maturity than we are.  There is no way for us change ourselves into being more like Jesus.  We wouldn’t even know where to begin.  Every time we would think of an area that needed work we would justify and cut the process short .  Only Jesus knows us more than we know ourselves.  Only he knows what we need every waking moment.  Whatever work he deems important at the time in me I know that it would impact those around me best.

Jesus there is nothing I could say, do, or think that you don’t already know, or thought  of.  You the end from its beginning.  You began a work deep in me that I can’t even explain.  So Jesus I just ask that you invade every part of me because I need you more than I think.   Thank you for loving me so much not to leave me the way you found me.

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