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Thursday, March 15, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Corinthians 10 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Corinthians 10:3-4
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.  The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

In this world there is manipulation, corruption, abuse, and perversion on many kinds.  What is said by a noble man can be distorted by another to mean something else.  Paul was up against some people saying things that could have affected his integrity.  They talked about his speaking abilities and writings and it could have impacted his internal life, attitude, and way of being but it didn’t.  He respond the way most would but chose to allow his life speak for its self.

It is so easy to revert back to the ways we would handle stress, arguments, rumors, or anything that attacked our integrity character.  It was the way we were brought up, the things we saw and grew accustomed to that felt most right that I tend to revert back to when an area of my life hasn’t been surrendered to Christ.  Yet those strongholds that lead to destruction or self and others need to be brought to life and surrendered to Christ.  Taking captive any thought that goes against the values of Christ is what I need to continue to bring to Christ if I am going to live this world.
Father I come in need of an invasion of your Spirit in my life.  There are areas that I still need to surrender to you.  You have dismantled the powers of the enemy in my life.  I am free to live with you and become the kind of person you have created me to be.  May you help realize that reality.  May I surrender all that I am so that you could become all that you desire in me.  In Christ Name.

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