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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Timothy 3 Oscar Dupuy

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2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

All of scripture is God breathed--meaning it has the power to bring about life, beauty, and redemption.  God is the beginning point of all that is good, whole and perfect.  In a culture that is disjointed, deceived, and consumed with consumption, only God can bring about proper alignment, clarity, and the peace that people crave.  It would be impossible to know how things should be in our lives unless you know how God intended it to be.  You can’t know God unless you know Jesus.  Through scripture Jesus is revealed.      

Not everyone likes to be rebuked, corrected, or trained.  We think we have life all figured out through our limited understanding of the world around us.  Yet, we find ourselves searching for something more, something meaningful, something beyond us that can bring things back to the way they should be.  There is a good work that God wants us to take part in with Him.  But we can’t know what that is unless we spend time with the one who has revealed himself through scripture.  As I spend time with Jesus and read his word, he shows me what he wants to do in and through me by correcting, rebuking, and training me in the way of righteousness.

Father your word is food for my soul.  May your word breath life into the areas of my life that are dead.  May your word teach me the ways of life.  May your word correct my misunderstandings and false views of you.  May your word be ever before me.  In Jesus name.

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