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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

S.O.A.P. II Timothy 4 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

2 Timothy 4:1
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge:

There is a sense of seriousness and finalization in this passage.  What is said is said and what is done is done in the light of Jesus who will judge the living and the dead.  Every word that I utter, thought that crosses my mind, and action that I take is seen and heard by Jesus.  So I best be wise with what I hear from my spiritual leaders because Jesus is a witness to what has been said and I will be have to give an account to how I respond.  

God has charged me and all those that are followers of Jesus to love Him with every ounce of our beings and love others the same way.  It is that simple, and yet it is that hard.  It all boils down to how well do I love others and God.  What comes to mind is what Saint Francis of Assissi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, if necessary use words.”  This kind of loving will take on many different forms, in different contexts, and with different people but will be done in the presence of the same Jesus.

Father may I live and love and do life all with a full awareness of your presence.  Grant me a hunger and thirst and even pain for what matters to you.  I want to take seriously what you have charged me with.  In Jesus Name.

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