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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

S.O.A.P. I Timothy 4 Carlos Herrera

To  READ this chapter click here.

1 Timothy 4:7
Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness.

We are given only a number days on this earth…we should be very wise as to what we allow our time to go to. We should spend our time and energy on spiritual fitness. Not just time, but energy. Giving spiritual things time is not enough…we need to give it energy and focus as well. It’s like going to the gym and spending time there but not really putting forth energy to train and get a real workout.

I have to be  extremely intentional every time I open my Bible. I don’t want to read scripture out of habit or duty. I want to be fully alert and ready to meet my maker in the pages of scripture. I can’t just ‘do the time’ of reading…I have to put energy and interact with scripture – that’s why SOAPing is so important. It allows me to “spend my time and energy in training myself for spiritual fitness.”

Oh Lord, thank You that You are concerned about our connection with You. That You have given us this amazing love letter (the Bible) to let us know how to do life with You. A life that will leave us full of You. In Jesus name, amen!

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