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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

S.O.A.P. I Timothy 5 Carlos Herrera

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1 Timothy 5:3
The church should care for any widow who has no one else to care for her.

From the very beginning, the church has always functioned like a family. We are to care for each other’s needs. This is very clear in this instruction that we have in verse three. The “church” should care for any widow within the church. This is not talking about the organization of the church…it’s saying the church “you & I.”

It’s easy for me to read this and think that this is the responsibility of someone else. This sounds like it should be a ministry of the church. But no, the church is me! It’s great that a congregation can have a specific ministry for widows, but when the Bible says “the church” it’s talking about me and you as individuals that make up the church. We don’t wait for the church to create a ministry…we see the need and as part of the body of Christ we meet the need as best as possible.

Lord, help me to see the needs around me that You want me to do something about. I don’t want to wait on someone to do something if I can do it. Let me be in-tune with You so my heart will break for what breaks Your heart.

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