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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Colossians 1 Oscar Dupuy

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Colossians 1:22
But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—

Before this passage it was said that the Colossians were enemies of God, separated from God.  In their minds they thought of ways to rebel against God and acted it out.  Yet the love of Jesus reached them.  Their relationship with God that was once non existence has been restored .  Before God, because of Jesus there is hope in the reconciliation between them and God through Jesus.

As ugly and unappealing the cross was to the first century Christ followers it was through that the something as beautiful and appealing as reconciliation came through.  There was no way I could brought peace between God and I.  As much as I desired to be right with God, there was nothing I could have done.  Yet through the cross of Christ God the Father offers reconciliation, a relation with himself.  A relationship where by we stand right and Holy before Him because of Jesus has done.  And now we have the freedom to think and live differently from what is common in the world we live in.

Father I praise you and thank you for what came through the cross of Christ.  I praise you and worship you for the magnitude of your love and desire for us to be reconciled.  I as that you help me to walk with you in this relationship.  May you remind me of how now I can live freely with you and through you.  In Jesus name.

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