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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

S.O.A.P Romans 11 Oscar Dupuy

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Romans 11:30-31

Just as you who were at one time disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you.


The Jews being the chosen people of Go walked away from him.  Yet God in his mercy opened the doors of his salvation wider for others to be his and right with Him.  His mercy and kindness was intended to go through the Jews to the Gentiles.  However, the Jews rejected it.  Their rejection didn’t affect in any way His grace towards them or humanity.  His grace is never ending, ever flowing even when it is rejected by others it is still available.  Like a winding river it always finds a way to the ocean of people.


God can’t help but be kind an gracious.  It is part of his nature.  He always leaves a door open for anyone to come to Him, even after walking away at one point .  You would think he would show his sternness when someone who at one point knew him wanted to come back but He doesn’t.  There is no limit to the depth of his desire to show mercy and grace to me.  Who do I need to show mercy to and let them off the hook. Who have I completely written off and closed the door on?  How would I like it if God would have done that to me?


Father you know who I need to show mercy to today.  You know those that I have closed the door of my heart to.  Soften my heart to those that I need to show grace and mercy to.  You have shown me show much mercy and kindness.  I thank you for that, but it spill into the lives of those around me.  In Jesus name.

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