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Monday, February 27, 2012

S.O.A.P. I Corinthians 13 Oscar Dupuy

To Read this chapter click here.

1 Corinthians 13:7
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love is a verb.  Love is an action.  Being kind, patient, boastful, self-seeking, etc. are not feelings but actions.  These things we do not feel.  We can say that we love someone yet not be patient, kind, or considerate of the other.  You could even be generous towards someone of something, yet care less about who they are as a person.  Persevering in the relationship is what matters the most.

I don’t find it hard to hope the best for people. Most of the time I am good at showing love towards others in many ways.  Yet what I find most challenging is the perseverance part of it all.  Staying at it, protecting my relationships, trusting others, and hoping is always is what I find hard because you do that for the long haul.  Persevering through challenges with someone displays the kind of love Paul is talking about here.  This kind of love always hopes, trusts, and protects till the end.  

Father, I don’t just want to show love but want to learn how to persevere in loving.  I confess that I am so quick to stop a relationship when things get difficult or a bit challenging.  I know Jesus that you loved and are still loving me in spite of many things.  Teach me to show the kind of love that you taught us through the cross.  In Jesus name.

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