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Monday, January 30, 2012

S.O.A.P. Romans 9 Oscar Dupuy

To READ this chapter click here.

Romans 9:31-32
...but the people of Israel, who pursued the law as the way of righteousness, have not attained their goal.  Why not? Because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone.

Israel missed the mark by focusing on trying to be right with God by what they did rather than who they were.  There was nothing wrong with them pursuing righteousness and wanting to do good and be right with God .  But in their pursuit of trying they left out the faith part.  They left out the part of God’s mercy, grace, and love saving them not their own effort.  And so they missed out on how the law and prophets pointed to Jesus.

Its possible to live right before man yet still be in the wrong before with God.  There is nothing wrong with pursuing living a good and right life before men however, that will not make us right with God.  Faith in Christ is what does.  Trust in what he has done through the cross and resurrection.  Just because we are involved in a lot of things at Church doesn’t mean we are good with God.  The things we do doesn’t rack up brownie points with God.  Christ didn’t die on the cross so that I could be busy doing right.  Doing what is right is a natural outflow of what Christ has done for me and the world on the cross.

Father thank you that I don’t have to try to earn good standing with you.  There is no way for me.  I thank you that through your son I have life and freedom to do and be the man you have created me to be.  May what I do today be an offering of thanks for all that you have done for me.  In Christ Name.

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